如题 想要2个CLEO 就想钢铁侠那样 手掌能发射激光 还有飞行时脚底会喷火 貌似没有吧 这个好像没有吧 手掌发射激光貌似有,但不知道是不是你要的那种,叫烈焰掌CLEO。很像家庭教师里XANXUS的愤怒之火。 这个不知道有没有,反正我没见过。 two problems:1. IRON MAN needs 4 flames for hands and feet. For flight flame (jetpack), you can only use one jetpack.
I can script flight flames on hands, but it will not move in sync with the flight flames on the feet and it looks ugly if the flames do not move in flight.
2. PED hands does not bend on the wrist. Even if you put flight flames on the palm of the hands, the hand still do not bend so it will not look right.
I guess a laser attack from the palm of the hands is possible, but better animation will be required.
I hope you understand what i am saying. 这个真没有 那不是阿童木么 哈哈LS正解 脚上冒火很简单,就是在新飞行里添加XXXXX代码(噗,本人不懂啦),然后按住F后脚底下出现火焰(要设置好脚部坐标),就是这么简单,迭思捏~~ 哇塞,有难度系数了噻,在极速飞行做完动作后在脚底下的位置生出火焰
手掌激光可参考Naruto这个ifp动作和魔炮 脚底坐标的话应该是0.0 0.0 0.0 要求好高。 钢铁侠V3系统,满足你http://www.gtabbs.com/read-gta-tid-2903432.html wew