我很好奇,因为他虽从不说中文,但英语水平……呵呵。 只能告訴你:現住中國鄰國:lol 不用在乎 一律视为国际友人 因为翻译软件很强大- -交流无极限 他的国籍应该是地球的某个国家{:soso_e179:} 人家貌似是马来西亚人... 大j8 发表于 2012-6-15 12:19 static/image/common/back.gif人家貌似是马来西亚人...
你网名碉堡了阿, @sixace
They're talking about you~~~come here to have a look! Since someone care enough to open a topic and curious about where i am from, i will answer that for you. Frankly you could have just sent me a private message to ask that question, but i guess someone else might want to know so i will answer it here.
Nationality:American(born in California)
Race:FIlipino and American(my dad is American and my mom is from the Philippines)
Where i am from: Long Beach, California
Where i am now: Philippines
Why: I am born and raised in California, and this is the first time I visited my mother's homeland. We have a family business here that my mom wants me to supervise.
Why am I on this website: I am a big fan of Master Kami. His CLEO scripts, etc. That is why i am here. So i searched to see if he has a blogspot or website. I am also a member at the other site before this, though i was not so active there. But I like this site better, easier to navigate, and is more "Google Translate" friendly.
Google Translate is indeed very powerful. It allows me to enjoy this website that is strictly Chinese language. I am also a member of a Russian forum, a German forum, and a Spanish forum and i enjoy it there as well. Although sometimes the translation sucks, it is good enough to allow me to learn, share what i know, what i have, my interests, and gain new friends that share the same interest which is GTA. So if i sound funny or offensive or out of topic, please forgive me, that is Google Translate just being an ***.
I guess not being able to speak Chinese makes me a foreigner here. Then again, we're all here because we all love GTA, not because of our race. It does not matter to me where you are from, as long as we can somehow understand each other, that is good enough for me.
I wonder how Google will translate this...
我只知道他来自加尼福尼亚州 sixace 发表于 2012-6-15 18:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Since someone care enough to open a topic and curious about where i am from, i will answer that for...
wow,your personal information is very detailed.that's great~
I hope i can help you to translation to everyone but..
the Google Translate are really...bad-,-|||
and my english reading ability are really bad too...
however~I'll do a easy translation in this topic to let everyone easy to read and know about Mr.sixace~>v<
(and sorry for my super bad english) 本帖最后由 萌猫Smiling 于 2012-6-15 18:59 编辑
他是Kami的大粉丝~他喜欢Kami的CLEO 脚本,这就是为什么他来到这里的原因。
以上~~-v-~~ 本帖最后由 萌猫Smiling 于 2012-6-15 18:59 编辑
sorry for MR.sixace,the translation have a littile suck...but I hope everyone can read it,that's all~~:)
if it have some wrong translate or make a trouble to you please notify me,thank you~
@sixace Wait and see :funk:LS各种英语大神啊…… 我去,各种捂脸,这也太恭维我了